✔️ How to be a graphic designer in less than a week for beginners 2021 with PS toush very easy and simple


 Hello Martians and Aliens


Today's topic is how to edit and learn to be a beginner designer. The first thing you should have is not an app, nor money, it is just having a good imagination of your own and the desire to advance in this that you like so much. To start you have to know that an edition is everything that implements a change of some type of figure or matter. To start, the first thing you should get is the app called (ps toush) after that enter the app by going to the settings and activating the function that says to save changes automatically, this will be without given the situation you have to exit and you could not save the information, the application will take care of saving the report automatically and thus the created will not be deleted. The next thing is to see the part that says new project. Several functions will appear 0but the one you are going to choose will be the one with a blank page. From there you will see a png mode page with nothing and then you will give the plus sign that will be on the right side, and you will be able to choose a photo ~ image that you want to place, if you want to delete it in fonfo I recommend that you do not do it in that app, better download an eraser to make it easier. After you have an image loan or you just want to put letters, at the top there are several functions that you can adapt for your face, as I said before, the most important thing is creativity, AND HAVE A GOOD OWN TASTE, that helps you A lot. If you want to do Kitchen Edit, only load the images you want, if you want it as a drawing or as an edit only, and so you choose the type of design you want to place, I suggest you download the images in png and make your own background for the Edit And then you think of something and that is that an editor cannot think only of himself, he must also think of the taste of his audience, something that attracts attention.


If you are a player, the important thing is the lyrics, you don't have to download the app, you just go to it in the google browser and look for a source of #minecraft or #freeFire among others. Then you paste the characters you want but I recommend that you be something unique and not just another version. For example, if you are from Minecraft, you can choose an arrowhead from the main character and not a creeper, since creepers are very repetitive.

Infinito cursivo oficial

Mi propia edit

And so with these tips you will start to make one of the best. I will show you some of my designs


Ahora en español

Ejemplo de diseño gráfico
Ediciones hechas con PS toush 



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